Needing Cigarette Air Purifiers and Cigar Air Purifiers

The need for Cigarette Smoke Air Purifiers and Cigar Smoke Air Purifiers has become a great topic.  I think by now most people are aware of the dangers of smoking in general and especially second hand smoke. With the new laws allowing the smoking of marijuana in many states, that this is also added to the list of things people are looking for smoke air purification for. Some studies are showing the same restricted blood cell effects of second hand marijuana smoke as well as tar in the smoke.

cigar smoke air purifierThe need to have the best air purifier for cigarette smoke and cigar air purifiers is extremely important to help protect yourself and your loved ones. If you smoke in the house you know that the smells and odors linger on and get into the fabric of furniture, cloths, carpet, walls, and pretty much every porous surface it comes in contact with.  The tar can stain material as well. I remember my friend’s grandmother telling me a long time ago that her husband was a 5 cigar a day smoker for all his life.  After his passing, she was cleaning up the house for sale and was astounded to find thick brown tar in so many areas she hadn’t cleaned before like in chandeliers.  I always wondered about that and the effects on the lungs. Most folks also know that cigarettes have up to 4000 hazardous man-made chemicals in them.  When you smoke these are released in the air and make up the dangerous second hand smoke.  As a matter of fact, many studies show that second hand smoke can be worse than direct smoke.

Even with all the data pointing to the issues with smoking, we know a number of people still smoke both cigarettes and cigars.  Many smoke cigars for pleasure and entertainment with friends or in cigar smoke shops.  So, we think it is important to make sure to protect yourself as well as others with a very capable smoking air purifier to project you and others.  The most important thing to do is to reduce and eliminate the health hazards in the air with a quality smoke air filtration system that you can count on to handle them

A few of the areas where you may need smoking air purifiers are cigar clubs or stores with smoking allowed, in your home if you or someone smokes to protect children or others, in your basement if you have a cigar/entertainment area in your house, restaurants or clubs in states that allow smoking, marijuana smoking areas, airport travel areas, your business offices, and lounges/bars in some states that still allow smoking there.  Even if you have an office with no smoking allowed, many times you have customers or employees that smoke out front and when the doors open the air is sucked into the office. I have a number of customers who have purchased smoke air purifiers for exactly this.

Whether you have a casual lower traffic smoking situation or a commercial office/area that needs serious smoke air cleaners, we have the right solution for you. carries only the best in class Cigarette Smoke Air Purifiers and Cigar Air Purifiers.

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